Tuesday, May 26, 2009

hello there little one

ummm...hello there

How cute is this little guy? I took some pics of him for a friend a few months back. This one was my fav thouugh because he just looked like such an old man. I love it!

Well B finished school, praise the Lord!! And it is truly so nice to be home together for a bit. Liam is loving it! Soon there will be a big sandbox handmade by daddio in our backyard where he dig with diggers till the sun goes down. If you didn't know, diggers are Liam's fav and I scored 2 big ones at a garage sale this week for a dollar each! I can't believe B has finished 2 years of school and has 2 more to go. In some ways the time has gone so very slow and in some ways it has gone so fast. This week was the first time I honestly thought that I will be sad when we leave, sad to leave the friends that I have made. This is a huge answer to prayer as I couldn't have even imagined saying this last year at this time. So thank you Lord!! 

I'm off to do some groceries alone which is a luxury....I will be back to post some more of the regular Liam show soon. I have been a bit lacking in the picture taking lately, don't know why.


  1. this little guy is such a cutie!

    Can't wait to play in the sandbox with Liam and the diggers this weekend.
    Make sure daddy makes a lid for the box so Nana doesn't have to dig for kitty doodoos!

    I am so happy to read that you are feeling more positive with your stay.....I hope that by the time you have to leave....if you have to, that it will be a very sad goodbye because of the lovely ties with new life friends that you have made......actually even I will miss Laurel and Sammy and I will get to know Eveyn as well hopefully.

    Thanks for the new post, even I was getting a bit tired of seeing myself every time I opened the page!!!

    See you in two sleeps!!!

  2. That is an adorable picture. I bet his mommy loves it!

    I am so glad that you are feeling more at home here finally. God is good!

  3. Ah the sandbox, a childhood classic. Hope Liam doesn't eat as much sand as Kathryn did, ew!
    Hope you're doing well and tell B "way to go" from Jamie and I for finishing another year! Halfway point, woohoo!
    Love ya,


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